Turbo Lister is an excellent tool for listing items on eBay. It makes the process of listing products on eBay much easier and more efficient. It allows users to connect to their eBay accounts for account confirmation and for the creation of a user file. It also allows users to manage and modify details about the items linked to their accounts, the data waiting to be uploaded, and the listing activity. Overall, Turbo Lister is a great tool for listing items on eBay and it is highly recommended.
eBay Turbo Lister is a free listing tool to help the user to create offering listings, and upload the items description, images, prices, condition, etc. to the eBay hall of auctions. Search engines for finding specific items.
The lists are created without any HTML knowledge and with a good appearence, multiple items lists, lists edition for adding items, reusing over and over again the lists, change the list format or get HTML templates for easier creations, add pictures or photos, payment conditions, shipping terms, taxes, get all the lists ready and upload them at once.
Lists can be saved for further reusing or editied for modifications.
The user interface is easy to use and allows beginners to crate their first lists for auctions, format text, remove or add items in a grid shaped window, add or remove fields from the grid presentation, etc.
The first time a user launch the application, (s)he enters the eBay User ID and password, and the program will automatically connect to the eBay database to obtain all the user information (assuming the user has already an eBay account). more
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